Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder. If you have OCD you might think or picture something bad happening and so to stop this happening you might feel the need to do things again and again, such as washing your hands or counting things. This might make you feel better for a short time but soon you will feel worried again and the horrible thoughts will come back.

Sometimes having rituals that calm us down can be really helpful. But sometimes these rituals or habits become ‘compulsions’, meaning that we think we have to keep doing them again and again such as washing your hands or counting things. This might make you feel better for a short time but soon you will feel worried again and the horrible thoughts will come back.

Information and tools to support you

Where to get help and support 

If you feel you or your child may be showing signs of OCD,  the first step is to speak to your GP.

Where felt needed, your GP will make a referral to CAMHS who can support young people and their families with diagnosing and supporting you.