Posted on: 4 December 2023

The Kensington and Chelsea Home Treatment Team (HTT) shared their successes and learning on producing a teaching programme for their multi-disciplinary team at an annual forum for Home Treatment Teams hosted by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

The aim of the quality improvement (QI) project was to increase knowledge, awareness and confidence for staff in the team. To do this, they set the objective to produce regular teaching sessions that are specific to the HTT and have a multi-disciplinary focus.

The team put together Plan, do, study, act (PDSA) cycles, a process where teams can test the waters to see how their ideas will work in a real-life health setting. One of the PDSA cycles are below:


There has been an array of sessions delivered for the team based of patient feedback, a highlight of the sessions are below:

On areas where staff have received teaching sessions, staff have said they have increased confidence.

For 12 months, there has been 2-4 weekly teaching sessions delivered by members of the team and from staff across the Trust from multiple disciplines. Staff have protected time to attend the sessions and there is encouragement from management to attend.

Looking to the future, the team is creating a Home Treatment Team area on the Trust’s e-learning platform where resources from teaching sessions can all be in one place.

Rosni Prajapati, Kensington and Chelsea Home Treatment Team, Team Manager and lead for this QI project said, “The frequent and protected bitesize teaching sessions brings different disciplines together to learn about topics across social, nursing, psychology and medical care. This enhances all our learning and understanding - this ultimately benefits our patients and their families.”