Posted on: 11 August 2022

Members of our Improvement Academy faculty, Geetika Singh, Head of Quality Improvement, Sandra Jayacodi, Service User Advisor and Lucy Palmer, Head of Involvement presented their learning around how we are achieving meaningful involvement of service users and carers in our improvement work across the Trust on 25 July 2022 to the IHI/BMJ Conference in Sydney. There was also a contribution by Sarah McAllister, Former CNWL Improvement Coach.

Even though it was an early start to the day, 4hrs GMT, to present virtually to the Australasian audience, this was an exciting opportunity for the team to share and learn by engaging in Q&A discussions that generated lots of interest and enquiries to understand how we have been able to achieve these successes. The team discussed how meaningful involvement can have a profoundly positive effect on services, experts by experience and staff alike.

IA presents at International forum in Sydney on Quality and Safety in Healthcare.png

The main focus of the presentation was on the establishment of our Expert by Experience (EbE) Improvement Forum at the international stage.

To ensure meaningful involvement of service users and carers within our quality improvement work, members of CNWL’s QI Team and Involvement Team have established and co-produced a collaborative working group of service users and carers who have used CNWL services. Our group currently consists of 9 patients, service users, carers and community members, who are passionate about improving services and are involved in improvement activities.  This group is called Expert by Experience (EbE) Improvement Forum that meets every eight weeks.

To find out more about QI visit our Improvement website.