Posted on: 23 December 2020

CNWL Unison Branch are seeking nominations  for the following Branch Officer posts:

  • Branch Secretary
  • Branch Chair
  • Branch Treasurer
  • Branch Health & Safety Officer
  • Branch Communication Officer
  • Branch Equalities Officer
  • Branch Welfare Officer
  • Branch Assistant Secretary
  • Branch Women’s officer
  • Branch Black Member’s Officer
  • Lifelong learning co-ordinator
  • Young Member’s officer
  • Stewards


Nominations can only accepted if you have been a UNISON member for a minimum of 13 weeks prior to the nomination period.  You can issue an election address of no more than 200 words, photographs and web links are not accepted, any words over 200 will not appear on your election address.

Download the nomination form

Only your election address can be used to canvass support. All completed and signed nomination papers should be returned to Unison CNWL organiser   Nisha Parmar onto email ID –  by 12 Noon, 18 February 2021.

A free postal ballot will be held depending on the nominations received. The provisional timetable for that ballot will be 26 February 2021.