Posted on: 18 December 2023

The smell of popcorn wafted in the air as we settled for the premiere of The Heart of Everything, a new film series from CNWL’s Vincent Square Eating Disorder Service.

The collection of films showcases the experiences, skills and personality of the people behind the service. The films celebrate their dedication, and the hard work they put into the recovery of others.

Vincent Square offers a range of specialist services for women and men suffering from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders.

Last year, CNWL treated over 1,300 eating disorder patients, providing a range of treatments including outpatient therapy, day patient services and inpatient care.

There is a total of 12 films in the collection, showcasing interviews with staff who discuss support, complex presentations and interventions.

Maya, a patient at Vincent Square for the last three years, also joined us for the screening. Maya decided to share her story for the film series too.

“One of the things I really avoid is eating in front of people, and I live by myself so it’s quite easy,” she says in the film. “I’d really withdrawn from family any time there was food involved, and we’d been in lockdown so there weren’t opportunities for me to eat around people.

“At one point I thought this has gone too far. I’m in tears over a jacket potato.”

With support from the eating disorders team, Maya is working towards recovery.

“Thoughts to restrict or the thoughts to compensate for what I’m eating feel just as intense as they do when I’m at my most unwell, but my response to the thoughts is different. They’re not interfering with the things in life that I want to do.”

At the screening, we were joined by Tina Swain, Service Director for CAMHS and Eating Disorder Services.

“I’m so proud we can share these brilliant films that promote and support our eating disorder service. We hope these positively impact on the interest in our service and make a difference for people coming to CNWL.

“I want to say thank you to the colleagues who participated, because you have left a legacy and it is something to be hugely proud of.”

The series was produced by And Productions, who helped us to develop There’s a place for you, another film series from our child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS).

Stay tuned - we will be releasing the film series online shortly.