Collingham Child and Family Centre has developed a unique model of care for children with a wide range of complex and severe mental health problems.
The idea of an inpatient admission is a huge step for children and families. We do not underestimate this but truly believe that an inpatient admission can offer real hope of respite, understanding and possibility of change.
On admission children and families typically feel that aspects of life are unmanageable and often unsafe. The Centre provides a safe child centred environment. As a seven day service we are working with parents and carers to help them look after their children at weekends from the start of the admission. Working in partnership with children, families and community based professionals is at the centre of our practice.
Every child has a case co-ordinator, key nurses, key doctors, teachers and a variety of professionals working with them. We expect that you will get to know your child’s team well during their stay.
We recognise that parents have to balance working with us to help their child with their other commitments. Although parents do often have to rearrange other aspects of their lives so they and their child get the most out an admission, we try and arrange meetings at times that help parents juggle their commitments.