To finalise our summer term, CNWL Arts in Health came together for a picnic at Green Park on a warm summer day, and then a guided tour of the Royal Academy of Arts’ acclaimed ’Summer Exhibition.’

The exhibition brought together an eclectic mix of artwork, from emerging artists to the biggest names in contemporary art and architecture. Over 250-years-old, the Summer Exhibition continues in the tradition of showcasing a variety of work in all media, including painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, architecture, and film.

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Participants had the opportunity to engage with a diverse variety of subject matters and themes in a way where they could find the pieces that spoke to them most, share their perspectives on them, and discuss what inspires them. The diverse nature of the cultural visit formed as a fantastic summary to end a year of artwork created by our participants, as we prepare for our own annual exhibition. 

If you are interested in hearing more about the work that we do, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. You can email us at to hear about our service, visit our website, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram.

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