Posted on: 21 June 2022

The CNWL Digital Empowerment and Inclusion Project began during the COVID-19 Pandemic with the support of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and a dedicated CNWL Project Team. 

The team supported patients to stay in touch with their families and carers while in CNWL’s services by providing laptops, tablets and mobile phones. This made it easier for patients to access community and mental health services through video consultations and helped them to book appointments and order repeat prescriptions. One to one digital skills training and support was also provided.

The project has now ended, but it provided valuable insights and learning which will continue to help shape and inform how we support patients in accessing healthcare and online resources to support their health and wellbeing. 

Feedback from staff and service users has also been positive. For instance, many patients at our Community Mental Health Hub in Milton Keynes were pleased to hear that new digital devices with internet access were being offered by the NHS and that they could be used under our care.

One of the Digital Leads who works in CNWL’s Employment Services also said the projected helped her support service users: “…the participants really appreciated how the project has helped them and it gives me great satisfaction to know that I have helped facilitate progress on people’s employment journeys, as well as their general mental wellbeing.”