Posted on: 22 July 2022


CNWL’s LGBT+ Staff Network – Pride@CNWL - marches in the London Pride parade, and it was anniversaries all-round!

2022 marks 50 years since the first pride march in the UK, and to commemorate, London Pride organisers decided this year’s parade route should follow in the same footsteps as the first.

Following in the steps of British LGBT+ equality pioneers was Pride@CNWL, who were also celebrating a special anniversary of their own.

It has been 10 years since the creation of CNWL’s first LGBT+ staff network. Well, technically its their 11 anniversary but London Pride was cancelled last year so…. Happy 10 years Pride@CNWL! Here is to many more.

Proudly wearing bright colourful tops with the progress flag and ally flag, CNWL staff were being cheered as they walked the parade route by a crowd of over 1 million chanting “NHS, NHS, NHS!”

Among the staff marching was CNWL’s Chief Operating Officer, Graeme Caul, attending with his daughter. Graeme said, “I love pride, it’s such a great opportunity to celebrate what we’ve achieved but also reflect on how much further we have to go both here and across the world. This year we had such an amazing day at Pride and I want to send a big thank you out to all our community members in the Trust’s LGBT+ staff network for organising such an amazing day.”

Pride events are still very important, LGBT+ people across the UK are still judged or treated unequally. Therefore, it is vital organisations like CNWL are visible and proudly showing that no matter what your sexual orientation is or your gender identity, everyone deserves to be accepted and treated equally.

As we wrap up Pride@CNWL’s 10 anniversary, here’s to love, acceptance and understanding.

Chris Wilson will be passing on the baton after two years as Pride@CNWL Co-Chair. Chris leaves an incredible legacy and is currently looking for a new staff member to replace him and ensure the next 10 years is even more successful.

Chris said:

“I have loved being Co-Chair for the past two years. The network really does make a difference to the quality of services and wellbeing of our staff and Patients. I have met inspirational people from parts of the Trust I would not have been able to meet without the network. This has helped develop my leadership and strategic competencies that have been recognised in my clinical role as well.”

On 26 August, CNWL’s Surrey Sexual Health Services will be attending Surrey Pride. Anyone can stop by CNWL’s stall to ask questions or get information about our Sexual Health Services in Surrey.