Posted on: 8 December 2022

The Safety Team had a session on kindness at their Team Away Day In November.

Sheelagh Holmes, Clinical Safety Manager, writes; “We shared our experiences of being kind and receiving kindness, how it makes us feel and the value of kindness and compassion in our daily working lives. At the end of this session, I asked for the team to think of a kindness pledge we might make, individually or as a team. From this, another Team member Samara Hammond suggested a Kindness Advent Calendar. 

Samara and I have been making and sending this out to the safety team daily since first of December. 

We suggest simple acts we can all do to be kind to ourselves and to our colleagues. Our intention is to suggest activities which are easy to achieve and recognise and which promote compassion for ourselves and each other.”

The team adapted a free online template and examples are shown below.

Kindness Advent calendar 1.png Kindness Advent calendar 2.png

Kindness Advent calendar 3.png Kindness Advent calendar 4.png

Kindness Advent calendar 5.png Kindness Advent calendar 6.png

Kindness Advent calendar 7.png Kindness Advent calendar 8.png