Posted on: 31 January 2024

“I knew a lot of people growing up who had eating disorders” says Natasha, Clinical Psychologist who works at CNWL Vincent Square Eating Disorders service.

It was three years ago when Natasha joined the team soon after completing her university thesis on eating disorders and graduating.

“People with eating disorders they’re often so articulate, they’ve got a lot of motivation and dedication which they can use for their eating disorder and also recovery.”

Natasha describes one of the great things about her role day-to-day is ‘being able to refocus those really great strengths people with eating disorders have being so sure-minded towards building a bigger life than they currently have.’

Natasha is supported by a multi-disciplinary team of colleagues, providing a range of specialist services for children, young people and adults with Eating Disorders across London boroughs.

The service also offers places to trainees who are studying at university, like Ben.

Ben initially started his placement feeling ‘ a little bit worried’ however now describes his role ‘as a dream’.

In his role as Trainee Clinical Psychologist Ben supports outpatients one-to-one and runs a reflective group on recovery with inpatients.

“I enjoy doing that a lot, we talk about all kinds of different themes. My supervisor and team leads have been really supportive getting the experience I need which has been great.”

Olivia is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist carrying out talking therapy that can help change the way of thinking and behaving.

She reflects on as case of a young man who was suffering from anorexia nervosa who also has Asperger’s syndrome.

“The way he was managing emotion was to restrict because emotion felt too overwhelming for him. He was also an extremely talented pianist. At the end of his treatment, he did a concert and was at a healthy weight.”

About Vincent Square Eating Disorders Service

CNWL treated over 1,300 eating disorder patients between 2022-2023.

Vincent Square offers a range of specialist services for women and men suffering from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders. Learn more.