Posted on: 21 April 2021
Ian Cole has received the Chief Constable's Recognition from Surrey Police for his work as Health Promotional Specialist in the Surrey Sexual Health Outreach Team.
The recognition is for Ian's service to lead the Independent Advisory Group for 12 years, providing a wealth of advice to deliver the government's Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Strategy and for his unwavering support as a Critical Friend.
Ian said:
“This commendation came as a complete surprise to me and for the first time in a long time I felt very proud of what I had achieved in order to be awarded it.
It makes you reflect on what you have been doing over the 12 years mentioned and you notice that Surrey Police has valued my input and at the same time I have been able to know that organisation has changed and progressed and in part that is due to me and others who have been their critical friend.
I am also proud because this award is only ever given out to a selected few people who in the eyes of the Chief Constable have made a difference to the communities of Surrey whether that is directly through policing or working alongside the Police”.