Posted on: 27 November 2023

Today we launch our new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) Policy and Plan.

PSIRF launch event This is the new way which we will respond and learn from incidents and forms part of the National Patient Safety Strategy. Whilst the way in which we report incidents remains unchanged, the way we respond is different with SWARMs, After Action Reviews and Patient Safety Incident Investigations replacing the serious incident investigations which have taken place up to now.

CNWL has worked hard to embed a learning culture across our services and continue to work towards creating an environment that is free from blame and where compassion and our SCARF framework underpins each and every one of our interactions. PSIRF embodies this, recognising the need to work collaboratively with patients, carers and staff so that when an incident occurs, we work together to understand why this has happened so that we can then make changes to our systems and processes, make improvements and care safer for everyone.

PSIRF leads in the Trust Visit our PSIRF page where you will find a range of information and resources available.