Posted on: 27 November 2023

As part of CNWL’s ongoing White Ribbon campaigning, the trust held a webinar today, focussing on the complex relationship between carers, the cared for and domestic abuse.

Carers and the people they care for are especially vulnerable to Domestic Abuse but there is often a tendency to assess the abuse as a social care issue rather than abusive behaviour. 

The roundtable event was a chance for an open discussion between carers, patients and CNWL staff.

Susan Bray, the trust’s Domestic Abuse Lead, said: “We know that carers are one of our greatest resources and support family members and others across all of our services both in paid and unpaid roles. 

“We wanted to acknowledge the unique nature of these relationships and of how we still need to be routinely enquiring about domestic abuse with both carers and cared for. Often, we meet with both together and create limited opportunities to safely ask questions. 

There is also often a focus upon the person being cared for and how well they appear, with little curiosity around what might be going on out of sight. 

“If we think about Domestic Abuse as being about power and control over another person – caring provides this opportunity for people who choose to abuse. 

“There is also a tendency for the potential behaviour (abuse) of the person being cared for to be rationalised as a symptom of their illness, frustration etc.”

It's not too late to register for our Domestic Abuse Conference on 7 December. Click here to sign up