Posted on: 7 February 2022

Dr Cornelius Kelly, CNWL’s Medical Director, welcomed the latest medical trainees who have just started work here.

61 junior doctors joined us on 2 February 2022, across Psychiatry, Sexual Health and Geriatric Medicine.

They are a mixture of higher, core and GP trainees on training rotations for six months to a year.

Junior doctors have more than five years training under their belts already, so are not medical students but qualified professionals undertaking further training and gaining experience.

Some are completely new to the specialities (i.e. GPs and Core Trainee 1 (CT1)) others will have rotated into CNWL from another Trust and are further on in their training i.e. CT2s/3s in Psychiatry.

Dr Sukh Bahia, CNWL’s Director of Medical Education, said, “We really want to provide a great training environment so that all trainees have the opportunity to develop their skills, learn from our excellent Trainers and from everyone else within the Team. We offer lots of opportunities for trainees to get involved in Education and Service Development which is a valuable way of enhancing your non-clinical skills, which are as equally important as you progress in your career. If you have want to discuss anything that will improve training at CNWL, please contact me or the Postgraduate Medical Education Team."

Dr Kelly said, “CNWL warmly welcomes every one of you to the wide experience offered by this busy part of the NHS. It offers you many opportunities to make a difference to hundreds of patients, as well as supporting carers and families. This will allow you to grow, gain experience in demanding areas of diagnosis, and treatment, but also in research and in our Quality Improvement Academy.”

“With clinical supervision, career development, and psychological support, we want to make your time with us really count, for the services you’re working in now but also for yourselves to become skilled, compassionate clinicians of the future.”