Posted on: 8 July 2021

Westminster City Council’s Adults and Public Health Policy and Scrutiny Committee meets on Thursday 15 July, at 7pm and is considering two reports from CNWL NHS Foundation Trust.

Read more about the two reports below:

CNWL NHS FT Mental Health Services in Westminster

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of all mental health services offered in the City of Westminster by CNWL NHS Foundation Trust. Many of CNWL’s services are provided through close partnership working with a range of sectors to deliver care closer to home, linked to communities, working with family and carers, reducing the stigma of mental health. Read more…

CNWL Update on the Gordon Hospital June 2021

This report provides a routine factual update on the Gordon Hospital inpatient wards and CNWL’s mental health provision for Westminster. CNWL remains committed to providing high-quality inpatient and community services for the residents of Westminster. At the end of July CNWL’s Executive Board will be looking at the option of a proposed new facility at Woodfield Road designed to provide inpatient beds in Westminster and flexible, collaborative space for inpatient and community services. CNWL plans to formally consult on the future of the Gordon hospital towards the end of summer. Read more…