The terminology used when we talk about Quality Improvement can seem overwhelming, however here is a helpful jargon buster to assist you.
Improvement aim/ Project aim:
An improvement aim (aka project aim) is a goal a QI project team would like to reach at the end of their project. This aim can be anything e.g. reducing the number of falls on a ward by 50% by next year.
Improvement Journey:
An improvement journey is the time a QI project spends on achieving their improvement aim.
PDSA Cycles:
PDSA stands for Plan, do, study and act. A QI project team will devise PDSA cycles to try out ideas in real work settings which they think will help reach their improvement aim.
QI is an acronym, it stands for Quality Improvement.
Improvement Team/ Project Team:
An improvement team is a term used to describe a group of patients, carers and staff that undertake a QI project.
Measures are used to determine if a specific change leads to an improvement. There are 3 types of measures; outcome measures, balancing measure and process measures. To learn more visit Choosing Your Measures here.
Quantitative Measures:
Quantitative measures relate to the quantity of something rather than its quality. A quantitative measure could be the number of falls that happen per week.
Qualitative Measures:
Qualitative measures relate to the quality of something rather than its quantity, it describes information rather than quantify it. A qualitative measure can be patient satisfaction.
Run Charts:
Run charts display data over a period of time, they are useful to assess whether an improved performance has been sustained and allow QI teams to compare a measure before and after implementation.
Drivers are areas that need to change to ensure an improvement takes place; they “drive” a team to achieve their project aim.
Driver Diagram:
A driver diagram is a visual display of a team’s drivers that will contribute to the achievement of a project aim. See building a driver diagram for more details
All teach all learn:
When we use this phrase, we are referring to the need to work as a community, collaborating and openly and honestly sharing our learning with each other. Regardless of our roles or position in the organisation.
Statistical process control (SPC) charts:
SPC charts help to understand what are the norms for a system and what can be classed as a difference for a system. In QI these charts illustrate if a change a project team has brought in leads to an improvement. There are two forms of SPC charts 1) run charts and 2) control charts.