Hillingdon Community Heart Failure Nursing Service provides specialist nursing advice and management of adult patients with a diagnosis of heart failure.

The service is for patients diagnosed with heart failure who are under the care of a GP in the borough of Hillingdon. They must also:

  • Have a confirmed diagnosis of heart failure: heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)
  • Be willing to accept the added support of the service.

Discharged patients can also refer back into the service.

The service accepts referrals from a range of settings, including secondary and tertiary centres, such as cardiologists and other clinicians, as well as from various primary care providers, including GPs, district nurses, and community matrons.

All referrals are processed through a single point of access via email at thh-tr.integratedcardiology@nhs.net and must include ECHO results and other relevant clinical documents.

Upon receipt, referrals are triaged by heart failure specialist nurses and directed to either our community clinic or home visit services (for housebound patients only).

Referrals can also be discussed in advance by contacting the heart failure nurses at 01895 856 127.

The service is available from 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

It is  provided at a number of clinics in the London Borough of Hillingdon.

The service makes domiciliary visits by prior arrangement at the patient's home address.