The Hillingdon MSK Service is jointly delivered by Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) and The Hillingdon Hospitals Trust (THH) and provides expert assessment, treatment and advice on managing of musculoskeletal conditions for people aged five and over.
There are lots of things you can do to manage your pain or condition yourself. We have collated some of the best advice and information sheets, use the below icons to navigate for information about each conditions. There are also general resources and self-help videos at the bottom of this page.
Simple exercise and activities could make all the difference.
The below self-help resources advise on general health and wellbeing and managing other condition.
- Get up and go: a guide to staying steady, produced by CSP
- The easy exercise guide, produced by CSP
- Staying healthy and happy at work, including managing stress, produced by CSP
- Drive clear of pain, produced by CSP
- The good sleep guide, produced by CSP.
- Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), produced by Versus Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia, produced by Versus Arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), produced by Versus Arthritis
- Osteoporosis, produced by Versus Arthritis
- Polymyalgia Rheumatica, produced by Versus Arthritis.
You can also learn about the causes, symptoms and treatments of these conditions by visiting the website.
- The single best thing we can do for our health, produced by Reframe Health Lab
- Understanding pain in less than five minutes, produced by Live Active
- Fitness studio exercise videos, produced by the NHS
- Tame the Beast, information on managing persistent pain.
HHCP Physiotherapy Videos - YouTube - A selection of videos your physiotherapist might direct you to produced by HHCP
What is sciatica? - YouTube - Produced by Annina Schmid
When you should seek urgent help for your backpain - YouTube - Produced by MACP
- Recovery strategies: pain guidebook, produced by Dr Greg Lehman
- UK physical activity guidelines, produced by
- NHS Fitness Studio, a valuable resource from the NHS providing online exercise videos including aerobic, strength, pilates and yoga workouts.
- Managing tendon pain, produced by Hillingdon Healthcare Partnership
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Post Covid-19 Recovery - Contains information on how to help you manage some of your ongoing physical symptoms and where to find support to manage feelings of anxiety, low mood, or unpleasant memories since having Covid-19
Change 4 Life - These days, 'modern life' can mean that we’re a lot less active. With so many opportunities to watch TV or play computer games, and with so much convenience and fast food available, we don't move about as much, or eat as well as we used to - this website gives hand tips and downloadable information and plans.
NHS Apps - If you prefer to get your information on your phone or tablet there are plenty of apps that can help. From mindfulness apps such as 'Headspace' to help you relax and de-stress to apps to help you remember your pelvic floor exercises to help prevent incontinence such as 'Squeezy'.