Cherrywood Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit provides short-term (up to one year) residential rehabilitation to help service users return to independent living.

The unit enables people with severe and complex mental health problems to gain or regain the confidence and skills in everyday activities which will enable them to fulfil their potential for recovery and independence.


The team provides support for people who:

  • Are residents of Milton Keynes or registered with a Milton Keynes GP
  • Are over 18 years old
  • Have severe and complex mental health problems and are eligible for secondary mental health services.

To be admitted the individual will have been assessed as needing a period of intensive rehabilitation to enable them to redevelop skills around daily living before being able to live independently in the community. It is essential that the person has a degree of motivation and willingness to engage in the rehabilitation process.

Referrals to the service can be through the Senior Practitioner at Cherrywood.

Bus Train  
8 Avanti West Coast, West Midlands Train  


There is ample and free parking with bus stops outside the premises. 


The team is operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week.