Posted on: 8 March 2021

As we put together our March newsletter, many of us are looking forward with cautious hope that Spring will bring some regained freedom of movement; even with the need to maintain essential social distancing and hygiene practices.

For this issue, we have tried to continue our theme of thinking about how we use the principles of improvement in our daily work, sometimes without even consciously thinking about it.  We hope that the examples provided this month will inspire you and perhaps allow you to bring improvement testing onto your work patterns as a more deliberate act of improvement.  The examples show that it can be as simple as asking ‘how did that go?’ regularly and reflecting on how that can change what you do as a result. 

Also in this issue we welcome a new member of the QI Team, Sarah McAllister, who has joined CNWL as an Improvement Coach.

We have our regular reminder of available QI training dates.  March dates for the Rapid Tests of Change training workshop are now available and we are glad to say that the February dates have proven popular and generated some thoughtful and useful discussion.  Do visit LDZ and book if you are interested!

Read the newsletter on the QI website.

We welcome your feedback and if there is anything you would like to see in future editions of the newsletter, do please get in touch by e-mailing