Posted on: 12 August 2021
The Journal of Gambling Issues has published a paper co-written by staff from CNWL’s National Problem Gambling Clinic.
The paper - Alcohol Misuse in a Treatment-Seeking Sample of Pathological Gamblers (available by clicking on this link)– aimed to estimate the prevalence of alcohol misuse and examine its relationship with gambling severity and psychological distress in a UK treatment-seeking sample of pathological gamblers.
The paper finds no evidence of an association between alcohol misuse and gambling severity or psychological distress level but that a significantly higher proportion demonstrated probable alcohol dependence compared to the UK general population.
The paper was co-written by Prof Henrietta Bowden-Jones, founder of the clinic, CNWL Consultant Clinical Psychologist Dr Venetia Leonidaki and CNWL Assistant Psychologist Zoe Delaney as well as Clinical Research Fellow Dr Emmert Roberts from the National Addiction Centre at Kings College London.