Posted on: 11 March 2021

Brent residents are invited to join the council and NHS partners at an event where details about the Brent Health Matters programme, to address health inequalities in the borough, will be explained and workshops will be carried out to listen to communities.

The event takes place on:

Wednesday 17 March 2021, 5.30pm to 7.30pm

To register go to:

The aim of this event is to set the current Covid and health inequalities context and then engage faith, community, voluntary groups and organisations, local residents and businesses across the borough in designing and delivering the Brent Health Matters programme that is being implemented to tackle local health inequality issues.

We want to gather feedback from the community on 

(a) their perceptions of local health inequality issues and

(b) what local action plans should include to address these issues.

This feedback will help develop work to improve the health for all the different communities that make up Brent. From April 2021, they will be able to further shape action plans and see how their feedback has developed into tangible work by the community, Council and NHS partners if they continue to follow the Brent Health Matters programme as a Community Champion or Community.