Posted on: 4 August 2021

As we begin to recover and reset following the Covid-19 pandemic response, a lot is going on across Camden Integrated Adult Services (IAS). Around 460 clinical and administrative staff run these services, across eight teams.

Have a read of the Summer 2021 stakeholder newsletter below, to keep up-to-date with what they’re doing, the successes and areas of development.


At a glance, here is what’s happening across Camden IAS:

  • Staff rose to the challenge and the roll-out of the vaccination program, showcasing strong relationships with colleagues in primary care, the CCG, voluntary and community sectors and other NHS Trusts. The total number of Camden residents who have been vaccinated by the team is 4,300 (total of 8,600 vaccines for both doses) which includes care homes, residents with learning disabilities and within adult mental health services.
  • Set up in the height of the COVID wave in March 2020, the Integrated Discharge Team (IDT) has adapted and evolved within a short space of time to manage the new ways of working across Camden services. For the first time ever in April 2021, NCL were the best for ‘length of stay’ for acute beds in London. The IDT has been successful in retaining the highest percentage of home discharges across the NCL system.
  • The Integrated Primary Care teams (Rapid Access Services, Community Therapy and Nursing) continue to grow as integrated systems to support place-based care. The teams have kept going through challenging times which saw caseloads increase considerably as a result of the pandemic.
  • The Diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) teams are piloting an app for the remote monitoring of patients with Type 2 diabetes.
  • The COVID Recovery Service was set up in Summer 2020 in response to the number of patients in Camden requiring rehabilitation post-COVID, including long-covid. Great work has been taking place, with the development of the Living With Covid Recovery app.
  • Nurse Consultant in the Specialist Palliative Care Service, Maggie Bissett, is working in collaboration with partners concerning Covid-19 and supporting resilience in the nursing workforce since being awarded the Burdett Grant in December 2020.

Read all the details in the newsletter here (opens as PDF).