Posted on: 18 January 2021

Chris Ugochukwu, Team Manager at Hillingdon CAMHS had the first Covid-19 vaccination last week, having previously recovered from the virus.

He said, “I believe it will provide me with some level of protection against the Covid-19 virus, both from catching it and also from passing it on to others including my colleagues, patients and family members. As somebody that has suffered from Coronavirus, the benefit of getting the vaccine far outweighs the cost of getting the virus.”

Chris-Hillingdon CAMHS manager.jpgChris praised staff at the Gordon Hospital, which is being used as CNWL’s main Covid Vaccination Hub.

Chris added: “I would also like to use this opportunity to feedback that the vaccination arrangement at Gordon Hospital was a first class service. Everybody that I came across seems to know their role and happy to discharge their roles. It was coordinated and timely. I felt proud to be working for CNWL as an organisation. It was a positive experience, which was also echoed by my colleagues that I have spoken to – well done everybody involved.”

Image: Chris (left) receiving the Covid-19 vaccine from Maria O'Brien, Chief Nurse (right)