Posted on: 20 November 2020
Trans Day Of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual event that honours the memory of the trans people whose lives were lost in acts of transphobic violence during the previous 12 months.
Every year on 20 November vigils and remembrance ceremonies are held across the world to remember those who we have lost due to transphobic violence, and to raise awareness of the violence trans people face while living their lives.
Claire Murdoch, CNWL Chief Executive said
“CNWL celebrates the diversity of all its staff and the populations we work in, it makes us better. We need days like these, when we raises our voices against the violence people suffer at the hands of bigotry and hatred. We support this day to make our societies better, more tolerant and respectful but always to remember the people and the lives lost.”
More information can be found on the Galop and TDOR sites
We stand with our trans colleagues and community.
Sofia Venuti and Chris Wilson
Co-Chairs, Pride@CNWL