Posted on: 30 March 2020

CNWL has redeployed many Children’s Services staff to other critical services. This is under constant review, in Camden, Hillingdon, Harrow, K&C, Westminster and Milton Keynes for  Health Visiting, School Nursing and Therapy Services; retaining the required workforce to continue to offer services.  

We are offering face to face visits but this is under review; we are also offering contacts through video/ telephone contact (Zoom) to reduce infection risk to both families and staff.

We continue to support children and young people on our Child Protection and Children in Need caseloads in school nursing and health visiting.

Children’s staff continue to find support, advice and supervision through our Safeguarding Team provided virtually using ZOOM / teleconferencing to all staff.

The Looked after Children Teams remain proactive, those who need regular support because of social isolation are being conducted by telephone or Zoom contacts. Initial Health Assessments are being carried out as per guidance.

Children with additional needs and who are under our Paediatric and Therapy teams are being support appointments face to face or through Zoom/ telephone as their needs require.

Zoe Sargent, Associate Director, CNWL Children’s Services, says, “Our amazing Children’s Nursing Teams are continuing to provide contacts with all their families and are providing some additional work, including Intravenous meds to keep children and young people at home and out of hospital at this time.  I am sure you are all aware of the pressure on all services at this time and we will continue to do as much as we can to support CYP and their families during this time.”