Posted on: 16 November 2023
The difference that internationally educated nurses are making to the NHS has received royal recognition.
Christy Iruthayaraj, CNWL’s Pastoral Support Lead and our first ever international recruited nurse attended Buckingham Palace for a special reception with King Charles III yesterday.
She described the experience as “an amazing day."
Christy has recently progressed into a band 7 role as our Trust’s Pastoral Support Lead for International nurses. She said: “I feel energised and happy when I give the best support for individuals who face difficulties. I would always like to work whole heartedly, no matter what kind of role it is.”
Read more about Christy here.
Over the last two years CNWL has been part of a scheme led by NHS England to attract nursing talent from overseas.
This year, we have recruited over 100 international nurses and hope to recruit a further 145 before the end of the year. Already many of the Trust’s international nurses have been promoted to Band 6 senior nursing positions.
Jane Canavan, Assistant Director of Clinical Education who is involved in CNWL’s International Recruitment scheme said: “We are so grateful to the nurses who have joined us from across the world to share their knowledge and expertise and are pleased that so many are being recognised and promoted.”
Find out more
Read more stories from colleagues part of our International Recruitment project:
- Elma V. Gozun, district nurse at Hunter Street Clinic in Camden shares her experience
- Meet Dalia, CNWL International Recruited Nurse