Posted on: 8 June 2021

CNWL has today published three best practice case study briefings on Covid learning in the community.

The three come from services in Milton Keynes Community Services.

The first describes the Seacole Virtual Community Hospital, which was set up by Milton Keynes Home 1st as a response to Covid-19.

This was a virtual 68 bedded community hospital, combining the existing 19 beds in WICU (CNWL Inpatient Intermediate Care Unit) with a further 49 beds across five private care homes in Milton Keynes.

This was designed to increase the community bed stock and maintain and  improve flow through the system during the pandemic.

For details:

The second concerns the Home 1st Rapid Response team who were the front line response in Milton Keynes helping people avoid admission into hospital and in supporting discharge from hospital.   

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The third concerns the work of the Neuro Rehabilitation Team, which provides specialist interdisciplinary rehab to people with long-term neurological conditions.

Innovative ways of working were needed to continue to provide rehab to vulnerable and shielding patients during the Covid pandemic. This included virtual working and the use of technology

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