Posted on: 1 July 2021
CNWL has published its Quality Account to NHS Choices and to its website.
The 98-page report, which you can download by clicking here, is an opportunity to show readers what the Trust has achieved over the previous financial year in terms of delivering better and safer care.
It contains the details of the initiatives, projects, audits and surveys staff have undertaken between April 2020 and March 2021.
During the year CNWL retained its Care Quality Commission (CQC) quality ratings with a “good” Overall rating, a “good” Safety rating and an “Outstanding” rating for Caring.
In November 2020 the CQC inspected our Acute Adult Wards and younger children’s CAMHS Ward; these again retained their “Good” rating.
In her opening statement, Chief Executive Claire Murdoch CBE, referred to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Trust, and how well staff rose to this challenge, with services responding at speed to the emerging situation, redesigning services to support patients in the community in more flexible ways, and making sure patients could be discharged safely with enhanced packages of care where appropriate.