Posted on: 6 September 2021

One in every 100 deaths worldwide is the result of suicide; every week in the UK 125 people take their own lives.

It can affect every one of us. Each and every suicide is devastating and has a profound effect on those around them.

This year, on Friday 10 September, the theme is ‘creating hope through action’; this is a reminder that there is an alternative to suicide, and aims to inspire confidence and light in all of us, that our actions may provide hope to those who are struggling.

Preventing suicide is often possible, we can all play a role in supporting those experiencing a suicidal crisis or bereaved by suicide.

You too can create hope through action by:

  • Being alert and honest – If you know someone who is struggling and distressed, tell the person why you’re worried about them, and ask about suicide. Tell them you want to know how they really are, and that it’s OK to talk about suicide
  • Listening – Just listening is one of the most helpful things you can do. Try not to judge or give advice, small talk can create a sense of connection and hope
  • Supporting the person to seek help from their GP, mental health services or contact emergency services if in crisis
  • Signposting to support services-voluntary, peer and community organisations are able to offer significant support
  • Taking care of yourself – You may find it helpful to discuss your feelings with another friend, or a confidential service.

Suicide Prevention Training

World Suicide Prevention Day is sponsored by the World Health Organization and is hosted by the International Association for Suicide Prevention-for more information go to: