Posted on: 16 December 2020

We have uploaded our Quality Account for 2019/2020 on to our website and NHS Choices.

We have also uploaded an Easy Read version.

The Quality Account is available by clicking here while the Easy Read can be downloaded by clicking here. These detail how we have delivered our high standards of care to service users,

In her introduction, our Chief Executive, Claire Murdoch CBE, said: “The Trust Quality Account is an opportunity to reinforce how all CNWL teams and services are striving to deliver better and safer care and this Account is our opportunity to show you what we have achieved.

“We are very pleased to report that we maintained our quality ratings by the CQC. In early 2019, CNWL retained our “Good” rating; with ‘Safety’ improving to “Good”; and we retained our rating of “Outstanding” for Caring.

“Inside these pages you will find the underpinning details of the initiatives, projects, audits and surveys staff have undertaken – hundreds of QI – Quality Improvement - projects; quality starts and ends at the front line of service provision.

“Key to our standards of care has been our engagement with patients and carers, and this year CNWL committed to the national Triangle of Care scheme, to value our carers and their input all the more, including having a Carers’ Champion in each service.

Our carers and volunteers worked with us to launch new creative endeavours such as the One Community Radio in Kensington and Chelsea; and organised more online meetings and events to allow more people to engage.

“The Trust’s quality and caring includes our staff. We are proud of our diverse and dedicated staff to whom we owe so much and we are committed to improving their health and wellbeing…

“…The close of 2019-20 reinforced how very proud we should be of our work, and of our continued efforts to achieve more and better quality.”