Posted on: 19 August 2020
Dr Alex Bailey is CNWL’s Director of Medical Education (and consultant Older Age Psychiatrist). Emily Duncan is our new Quality Improvement (QI) and Medical Education Fellow; a new role focussing on improving the experience and quality of postgraduate medical training here and expanding the involvement of medical trainees in QI.
They write, “CNWL welcomed 102 new doctors at the start of August. They include psychiatry trainees (core and higher trainees), GP trainees and Foundation doctors - all are on Psychiatry placements.
In these strange times, a massive virtual overhaul was needed for induction and a huge thank you is due to Shenoah Taylor and the Postgraduate Medical Education team for their herculean efforts to cover all bases and make it all run smoothly.
Dr Alex Bailey | Emily Duncan |
Please do say an in-person hello to any new trainees in teams and wards. It’s just that little bit more difficult to settle into a team at the moment, and for some of them this will be their very first job as a doctor so a friendly (masked) face will be very welcome!
We also ran our first bespoke Quality Improvement teaching session for medical trainees and some enthusiastic supervisors. Over 50 people attended and we've had some great feedback from trainees who are very keen to get their own QI ideas up and running. We’re hoping that this will help embed a culture of seeking continual improvements to training and services.
Finally, we are continuing to develop our ‘Making Training Better’ program for Psychiatry Training to enhance trainees’ experience at CNWL and encourage all trainees and supervisors to get involved and support this work.
A big welcome to you all!”