Posted on: 11 September 2020
The Mayor of Hillingdon, Cllr Teji Barnes, has paid a visit to CNWL’s Addictions Service, ARCH.
During a series of Zoom presentations, Cllr Barnes heard from Addiction Services’ Clinical Director Dr Jeffrey Fehler, who also works as a Consultant Psychiatrist at ARCH, who spoke of how the service had to adapt to online rather than face-to-face contact at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to continue to provide a service – much of which continues.
Other presentations came from:
- nurses who showed off a fibroscan
- social workers who spoke about their role
- the Stop Smoking Service
- psychologists
- CNWL’s partners at ARCH – WDP, Humankind and Build on Belief
- Outreach workers
The mayor said she enjoyed the virtual tour and looked forward to returning to the service to find out more.