Posted on: 23 March 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought considerable challenges and stresses to key workers.

Working longer hours in hospitals, community and care homes, seeing friends and colleagues become unwell or being asked to work in unfamiliar areas may have impacted your stress, anxiety or mood.

You may have worries about your own or your family’s health and safety. You might be exhausted from juggling the pressures of home life and childcare, social isolation and the uncertainty that this period brings to all our lives.

The Keeping Well Service is here to support you with self-help tools, signposting to service or talking therapies with trained therapists.

Find out more about the Keeping Well Service at this live webinar on 1 April 2021 at 2pm and ask any questions you have

Join on zoom

Passcode: 446832

The Keeping Well Service is run by the NHS for:

  • Anyone employed by the NHS in acute, community and mental health trusts and the Clinical Commissioning Group as well as Local Authority staff including social care and public health staff
  • Anyone sub-contracted to do NHS work
  • Primary care staff and dental staff
  • Staff working in nursing homes and care homes (regardless of which organisation employs you)
  • Carers who visit people in their own homes
  • Carers who are paid via personal health budgets
  • Those working in emergency services (such as the Police, Ambulance Service and Fire Brigade)
  • Teachers

All support is free and confidential using NICE recommended treatments. The treatment is delivered by trained professionals with a wealth of experience working with common mental health problems.

To find out more start a live chat today at or call us on 01908 724227 (Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm (except 12pm to 1pm).