Posted on: 29 May 2020

If you missed it watch it here now

CNWL staff, friends, patients and partners tuned in today for a smashing broadcast, themed around theatre, stories and drama.

People tuning in with co-hosts Cate Latto (One Community founder) and Anna Allan (service user volunteer) had the option of dressing as their favourite character from a book or play.

Highlights included Haydn Forde, Actor and Drama therapist telling the story of ‘Mella and the Python Healer’ - a traditional Zimbabwean tale about courage, love and strength.

The show featured Playwright Stewart Permutt, who read the story, ‘At Lunchtime’ by Roger McGough. Anthony Biggs Director of the Playground Theatre explored the important role of theatre and the arts in helping us to cope with life in lockdown.

Actress Evvy Miller, appeared face painted as a lion (fittingly), reading the next instalment in Life of Pi, and Annie Cartwright, Westway Queen of Gardening discussed working with staff and patients on our St Charles allotment.

One Community founder members Laura Cavill and Katherine Nagib also appeared on the show, with Laura reading one of her poems on lockdown.

Nile Ward highlighted their Eid Mubarak garden party organised by Doctor Mehtab Rahman and Activities Co-ordinator Mo Kaji, during the Ward of the Week segment.

If you missed it you can look watch the show on this link here.

Next week’s show

Be sure to join us for our next show - Friday 5 June, from 1pm to 2.15pm – when we’ll be looking at volunteering, to mark National Volunteers Week.

We of course know that our One Community emerged and grew from the contributions of volunteers, so we can’t wait to celebrate this!

We’ll have appearances from some of our regular guests, including Actress Evvie Miller reading her next instalment in Life if Pi.

Annie and Cate will talk about how volunteering through the Westway Trust is keeping our patient gardens at hospital going during lockdown.

Tariro Gumbo, Volunteer Service Manager, will be sharing stories from around the Trust, and we’ll hear from Carl Young, a Thames Ward volunteer, who is using patient input to run the St Charles Library Cart weekend activity programme, with Jess Hodnett, OT, and Lewis Webster Ward Manager.

Katherine Nagib, Service user representative, will also join us and Playwright Stewart Permutt will perform a reading.

Our guests will play songs of their choice, and lots, lots more.

Join us next week by using the link below:

Zoom link

Meeting ID – 97475675891

Or call 0203 481 5237 to listen in

See you then!