Posted on: 30 May 2023

Carers Week is an annual opportunity to recognise the huge contribution Carers make to society and to spread the word about the challenges they face. We all have a role to play in making sure Carers are able to access the support they need.

It will take place next week from 5 to 11 June 2023.

“A carer is anyone who, outside the workplace, looks after a family member, friend or loved one who has a disability, mental or physical illness, addiction, or who needs extra help as they grow older.”

With many working carers having to take on additional caring responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the cost of living crisis causing further stress and hardship, it is vital that working carers are supported to balance work and care. 

The focus this year is ‘Recognising and supporting carers in the community' and there are many ways to mark this:

1. Take part in Carers Week activities. Our Carers at Work (CAW) Staff Network have organised a range of events throughout the week. CNWL staff and volunteers can join us for a self-compassion workshop or come along to the Tea Parties at Hathaway House and Milton Keynes Hospital Campus. 

2. Read a story from Karen, Performance Analyst within our Health and Justice services, who talks about her caring journey. Karen's son was diagnosed with a rare chromosome disorder when he was eight months old.

3. Watch and share a message from Claire Murdoch, Chief Executive who says thanks to colleagues across the Trust who are carers, or who have caring responsibilities. 

4. If you are a staff member caring for a loved one, see the Support for Carers booklet (available on Trustnet) which outlines some of the things we can do to help, and ways we can support managers in the frame of organisational policies.

5. CNWL Carers can sign up for a one-to-one ‘Time to Talk’ conversation. These sessions can be personalised depending on your needs, and offer practical help for balancing caring responsibilities, as well as tips on how to access support.

6. If you’re a Manager have a look at the Carers Passport, a tool to support staff members at work with their caring roles. Managers can also book a ‘Helping Managers to Support Working Carers’ session, which can teach you how to promote a carer friendly workplace. 

7. What is Carer Confident and how did CNWL become the first NHS trust to achieve the Ambassador Award? Read more about what this means for staff. 

8. Take part in carer awareness training, which is co-delivered with Carers. Staff can register on LDZ.

9. Find out more about the Triangle of Care scheme, which CNWL has signed up to. In October 2021, CNWL’s inpatient wards and Home Treatment, Urgent Care and Psychiatric Liaison Teams have achieved Stage 1 of the national accreditation award.