Posted on: 12 April 2020
We’re very pleased to announce that Emma Jones (pictured) is the new Clinical Director of Community Services in Milton Keynes.
Emma is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist who has worked in Community Services in Milton Keynes for over 15 years.
“Initially, I worked in Neuro-Rehabilitation Services, with patients with a range of neurological conditions and their families. This included supporting patients with palliative diagnoses and this led to an interest in End of Life (EOL) Care and a move to the EOL Psychology Service. Most recently I worked in Home1st to support patients to be discharged safely from hospital. The service also helps prevent unnecessary hospital admissions through excellent care in community by a range of dedicated CNWL staff.”
She also has been the Clinical Lead for both Specialist Therapy and Home1st Services.
“I have enjoyed working with the different teams and I am now keen to take on the role of Clinical Director for the whole of Community Services, so we provide the best possible care to patients during this challenging time for the whole NHS.”
Emma has two young children who “keep me very busy when I am at home particularly during the lockdown!”
CNWL’s Medical Director for MK Services, Dr Simon Edwards, said, “Emma has an enormous amount of experience working in both CNWL and MK. Her extensive knowledge of these important services, her leadership skills and her established working relationships with colleagues in the hospital, GPs, and care homes make her an excellent choice to ensure we continue to deliver high quality patient care. Congratulations Emma.”