Posted on: 2 April 2019
Young people, parents and carers from the Trust’s services were asked to help name a new specialist inpatient unit for young people with a learning disability and mental health need.
Attendees at the local engagement group put forward a number of suggestions and the most popular in the poll was Crystal House.
Crystal House will open in June; the first unit of its kind in London. It will offer five specialist beds for young people aged between 13 and 18 years who require an inpatient assessment and treatment bed closer to home.
It will be housed at the Kingswood Centre in Brent, alongside the ‘Outstanding’ CQC rated adult inpatient unit. CNWL’s Kingswood staff have years of experience working with people with learning disabilities and mental health needs, and will offer care and treatment to CAMHS patients presenting with a mild to profound learning disabilities and additionally mental health and/or challenging behavioural problems. This includes young people with autistic spectrum conditions, as well as certain physical disabilities.
Parents and carers have been involved with the development of the name and the communication materials for the unit.