Posted on: 13 October 2020
That’s why this October at CNWL we will be marking wellbeing month with a range of tips, ideas and initiatives to support our staff over the next month.
Each Monday throughout October we have a 40 minute webinar on a different wellness topic for staff. We’ll help you set any goals you want to work to during the month and have a range of challenges – with prizes up for grabs too!
It may be that you’re not being as active as you want to be or you’ve been eating more than normal or not sleeping during the pandemic. We will discuss methods to use to make any changes you want to make.
Staff should see the wellbeing page on Trustnet to access the recordings of these webinars or for information about the next sessions.
Don’t forget October is also Stoptober. Stopping smoking is one of the best things you'll ever do for your health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, having healthy lungs is even more important than ever.
It's never too late to quit. Find out more and download the resources online