Posted on: 14 May 2021
Mental Health Awareness Week gives the opportunity to reflect and focus on achieving good mental health. This year everyone was invited to talk about the importance of nature for our mental health. One Community Radio joined the nationwide conversation last Friday and highlighted services that support patients on their mental health journey.
Being an unpaid carer can be difficult at times, the stresses can have a negative effect on a carers mental health. Igor Nobokreshchenov from Carers Found talked to One Community Radio about a new project aimed at unpaid carers. The project helps carers feel more supported through workshops and presentations. Abi Aygemang from CNWL’s Carers Council led the conversation with Igor, they discussed engaging with unpaid carers from a diverse range of communities around London.
Ally Jaffee, Founder of Nutritank, joined the radio show to discuss the connection between having a healthy balanced diet and good mental health. Nutritank promotes greater nutrition education within medical training so doctors and nurses can engage with patients to make nutritious meals. This can lead to patients living a healthier lifestyle which has a positive impact on their physical and mental health. See their website here.
One Community Radio was also joined by Nik Galanis, K&C Employment Services Team Leader, who talked about CNWL’s Employment Services and the importance of good employment. Having a job someone cares about can have a profound effect on a patient’s mental health. A patient from Employment Services said:
“The Employment Services offers support which was more valuable to me than support offered by counsellors. They have been there for me, I knew they would help me, they were honest with me and have a very strong relationship with my employer. Having a job has made me think of new goals in my life, such as getting a driving licence, learning a new trade and becoming a supervisor. Also, having a new job made me feel better in myself. I am happy. I feel more positive in life and I feel like I am in a better place than I was a year ago.”
Matt Wood, one of the employers who had offered a job to a CNWL patient attended the show and talked about the support he got from Employment Services and the positive impact the patient has had. Matt said, “He is a legend and he is giving out these vibes of inclusivity, belonging, acceptance - all the words employers don’t really talk about. We talk about bottom lines, profits, margins and productivity when actually it’s all the soft skills we should be talking about. He’s giving us some great feedback, he’s resonating with our staff, so much so we’re taking on three apprentices a year now, like this young chap who we’ve got from Nik.”
To find out more about Employment Services and how patients can be supported to find work click here.
You can watch the entire show on demand here.