Posted on: 30 September 2021

38049DAA-F0EE-4E6F-95F4-A47DDB7994D8.jpegStaff from CNWL’s Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster School Health Team have delivered a health check clinic to 125 children and their families who were seeking asylum from Afghanistan. 

They provided advice about dental care, personal hygiene and immunisations and delivered health promotion messages and signposting families to relevant services, if required.

Although the team heard some sad stories about the situation in Afghanistan, the children were not crying or withdrawn from staff and were instead playing and smiling with staff and each other.

The team who put the clinic together were Cherie Bowerman, Fiona Menzies, Bunmi Braimoh, Rosemarie Harrigan, Hamida Begum, Grace Farodye, Mahmuda Elas and Crystal Larteef.