Posted on: 18 March 2021

CNWL’s Operational Plan 2020-22 was launched at the Council of Governors’ meeting on Thursday 18 March 2021.

Ross Graves, CNWL’s Director of Partnerships, said, “It’s a plan that looks back to what we have learned from Covid, and forward to April 2022.”

“It’s designed as a roadmap through uncertain times; we do not know, for example, if we will have another surge of Covid. Nor do we know what the longer-term demands the pandemic may bring. Our plan is  flexible and adaptable  and built on strong values – it’s a plan for our times.”

We will have a flexible Operational Plan to take us up to April 2022 – one that is clear on our ambitions and commitments, but can be phased to respond to Covid.

We’re very interested in any comments or questions – ask at

Our Plan 2020/22 

  • First, this must deliver our Vision – Wellbeing for Life
  • Next, we have kept our four priorities Quality, People, Sustainability and Partnership.  
  • Our Board has set out a set of ambitions for these to deliver the NHS Plan and learning from Covid, and outcomes that these will achieve:

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Feedback from staff, patients, carers and partners indicate what actions must lie behind our outcomes:

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We will deliver this by:

  • working in partnership
  • improving services 
  • using the Quality Improvement (QI) method.   

The see the whole plan click here.

Summarised here as our Plan on a page.  

plan on a page.png