Posted on: 4 December 2020
Dr Emily Duncan is our Quality Improvement and Medical Education Fellow, commissioned by CNWL and Health Education England to improve training quality for CNWL Psychiatry trainees.
Emily says, “I have been working in this role since May 2020 and it has been a fantastic learning experience. I have worked with the Quality Improvement and Postgraduate Medical Education teams to review the trainee experience and develop a training improvement programme. As part of this work we have designed and delivered bespoke training for trainees and for supervisors; I have been offering 1:1 support on QI projects; and we have initiated a monthly ‘QI clinic’ where trainees bring their projects for discussion and advice from our QI leads. These initiatives have received great feedback and there have been a huge number of successful and thoughtful QI projects developed by trainees.
“The recent Safety Conversation was a testament to the trainee’s hard work. 25 posters were submitted by trainees, and a Core Psychiatry and GP trainee shared the prize for the winning poster in the Medical Trainee Category for their work on improving physical health recording on an adult inpatient mental health ward.”