Posted on: 4 May 2021
May 2021
83 QI projects showing improvement across CNWL
Photo: Alpine flowers in Kew Gardens, Peter Smith
QI moves up a gear
CNWL is cautiously moving out of lockdown restrictions and for the QI Programme, that means shifting up a gear to provide a range of training and coaching support to CNWL staff who are undertaking improvement work.
Bitesize QI training has already recommenced and we include the usual list of upcoming dates for you to book your training. Our headline for the CNWL QI Practicum 2021 training, which starts in June, is “Improving Safety and Reducing Harm” and we report on the four quality themes for the course. Also this month, CNWL’s first cohort of Improvement Leaders start on their apprenticeship training and we look forward to hearing about their QI stories.
Given the focus on rejuvenation of QI training across the Trust, our lead article this month is a timely reminder, about the importance, practice and benefits of service user and carer involvement, right from the start of a QI project. We report on a QI Coach Forum where Lucy, Sandra, Janet and Grace from the Improvement Team provided a thoughtful presentation and discussion on how we can deliver on meaningful co-production in our improvement work; not forgetting that service user and/or carer involvement is, in the words of Dr Con Kelly, Chief Medical Officer, a “must”, rather than an optional extra to help QI projects to succeed.
This month we also welcome Esha Shah to the QI Team in the role of Improvement Coach at CNWL.
We welcome your feedback and if there is anything you would like to see in future editions of the newsletter, do please get in touch by e-mailing
QI Coach Forum: A timely reminder about Service User & Carer Involvement
All QI Coaches across CNWL are invited to join a monthly forum to discuss learning, successes and any aspect of delivering coaching to a QI project team. Last month we were delighted to host a presentation and discussion led by our Service User and Carer representatives, Sarah Jayacodi and Janet Seale, along with Grace Levy, Patient and Carer Involvement Officer, and Lucy Palmer, Head of Patient and Carer Involvement.
The presentation by Sandra, Janet and Grace took us through some of the best practices and benefits of involving service users and carers in our QI projects and we thought that the key messages that the Involvement Team delivered are well worth sharing with the wider CNWL QI community.