Posted on: 13 November 2020
CNWL held an online safety conversation day for staff yesterday, hosted by Dr Cornelius Kelly, CNWL’s Chief Medical Officer, and Maria O’Brien, Chief Nurse. The day focused on a range of safety topics including the safe environment, safety tools and safe use of medicines and how safe care begins with happy and supported staff.
Over 400 staff joined the event online and staff submitted 170 posters to the safety awards with 21 winners and runners up. Find out who they were and read more about the event.
All posters submitted were fantastic and showcase some of the great work being done by CNWL staff across a variety of topics. All posters were submitted into six categories, you can view them below.
Overall, the posters received over 4,000 downloads!
- Covid-19 and domestic abuse disclosures in sexual health
- The impact of routine enquiry on detection rates of female genital mutilation in a sexual health clinic setting
- Improving community access to keep patients safe and avoid deterioriation and hospitalisation
- Using health psychology to prevent the spread of covid-19 in prisons
- Audit on knowledge about PPE and correct 'donning and doffing' of PPE
- Increased dietetic input into The Older Person's Assessment Service (TOPAS) - winner (non-covid)
- The Virtual Recovery Day Programme: Online group psychotherapy for addiction during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Clozapine treatment during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Staff support in Covid wave 1: reflective practice for ICU and theatre staff at MKUH
- Reducing the risk of never events during insertion of intrauterine contraception
- Adapting to Covid-19 at ARCH
- Using an arts-based psychoeducation group to improve accessibility and health outcomes for people with complex emotional needs
- Stepping up 7 day service in Harrow
- Communicating while wearing a face mask - runner up (covid)
- Using a visual model to illustrate Covid-19 business continuity planning in Camden MOSAIC
- Improving Safety through Clinical Supervision during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Patients’ empowerment during Covid 19 lockdown in self care management of wounds
- Improving access to health services for CYP becoming looked after in Camden
- The impact of introducing a “SuperNova 0-19 Team” to minimise disruption due to redeployment - runner up (covid)
- Reducing trichomonas vaginalis in a women’s prison
- How can we involve next-of-kin in patient care during a pandemic?
- The importance of safe practice and how it will make you an NHS hero in the 2020’s
- Empowering patients to keep moving through Covid-19 - winner (covid)
- Assessment and management of ligature points in mental health and learning disability wards
- Safety in emergency situations
- Sexual Health to mental health: the experience of PPE floorwalkers to support staff on mental health wards during Covid
- Preventing a covid outbreak in prison during a pandemic; the CNWL experience
- Multiple sclerosis. To shield or not to shield that is the question?
- Asking Westminster service users about how they were supported during the covid lockdown
- Medication is a factor in unplanned readmissions
- Reducing the risk of self-inflicted deaths in custody in the healthcare units within Offender Care environments
- Improving safety by increasing staff access to supervision
- Optimising service and patient outcomes during COVID pandemic
- Harm minimisation and overdose prevention for service users on Opiate Substitute Treatment (OST) during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown
- Three steps to safety – risk assessment and safety planning
- An appetite for learning: improving confidence in eating disorder understanding and food and fluid recording
- Audit of section 17 leave from Nile Ward PICU
- Providing therapy safely to children during the pandemic: CITS
- CAMHS Emergency assessment service (EAS): development & implementation during the covid-19 crisis
- Piloting clear masks to enable effective communication
- In-cell interventions at HMP Woodhill Addictions (COVID-19)
- Nile Ward PICU violence reduction QI project runner up (non-covid)
- Introducing the Datix huddle
- Cracks in the Hepatitis C cascade of care: real life outreach data from four central London services
- Care cascades at the frontline: Real life Hepatitis C testing outcomes from a central London primary care homeless service runner up (non-covid)
- Improving HIV services – a survey of 4552 Bloomsbury clinic patients
- Covid-19 lockdown and opiate dependence: the effect of lockdown measures on patients starting opioid substitution therapy (OST)
- Diggory medicine optimisation response to Covid-19
- St Charles Hospital pharmacy operations response to Covid-19
- Using accuRx to provide remote consultation and improve medication safety, efficacy and adherence
- Transition out of CAMHS
- The Virtual Recovery Day Programme: Online group psychotherapy for addiction during the Covid-19 pandemic
- The impact of introducing covid 19 measures on school nursing productivity
- Improving access to specialist CAMHS Services in Milton Keynes
- Asking Westminster service users about how they were supported during the covid lockdown winner
- Co-producing the new CNWL CAMHS website
- Think family, our co-produced conference
- To reduce waiting times for residents of London Borough of Hounslow receiving alcohol treatment: A co-production between service users, key stakeholders and staff
- Getting through lockdown: a residents’ guide to managing your mental health during Covid-19 runner up
- Perinatal mental health and emotional wellbeing ‘on a page’ during Covid-19 restrictions. How to access help and support across BLMK STP
- MK triangle of care working group runner up
- What happened to you? Asking the key safety question at HMP Downview & SEND
- Nile Ward PICU violence reduction QI project
- Collaborative working to improve communication between a prisoner and prison staff
- Falls reduction QI programme. Lessons from co-production
- Story of success and self discovery. QI project on reducing violence on Preston House
- Improving access and engagement with guided self help
- An appetite for learning: improving confidence in eating disorder understanding and food and fluid recording
- Reducing the risk of never events during insertion of intrauterine contraception
- Reducing falls on Eillington Ward
- Reducing falls on Oak Tree Ward
- Reducing falls on Kenton Lodge
- Trauma Informed Approaches (TIA): Harrow Acute Mental Health Services
- Improving the efficiency of patient discharge on Pine Ward
- Improving access to Hillingdon CAMHS for CYP
- Improving Contraceptive and Family Planning awareness on a perinatal unit
- Reducing pressure area surveillance in residential care homes to improve District Nurse capacity
- Jameson: St Charles -Improving Physical Health Assessments and Interventions
- Improving the confidence and competence of Junior Doctors in conducting Seclusion Reviews
- Using quality improvement (QI) strategies to mitigate impact of COVID-19: A study of rapid practice evolution in a large inner London teaching hospital/community specialist palliative care (SPC) service
- Increasing meaningful patient and carer involvement in QI projects
- Improving physical health monitoring within the older adult CMHT for K&C
- Violence reduction and improved morale, the story of QI on a low secure forensic ward
- Our falls prevention journey at 3 Beatrice Place runner up
- Goodall – Specialist mental health rehabilitation. Physical health: a tale of two systems
- A community review of the content of inpatient discharge summaries from the six inpatient wards at St Charles Hospital
- Improving access to specialist CAMHS Services in Milton Keynes
- Sustaining improvements in physical health assessment and intervention in rehabilitation services
- Improving physical health form completion on a general inpatient adult ward
- Reducing restrictive practice
- Caspian Ward project to reduce incidents of physical assault involving staff and by 30% by November 2020
- Pine Ward QI project to reduce aggression and violence using trust core values
- Improving patient flow in CAMHS: reducing the therapy waiting list
- Improving physical health data in difficult to reach patients
- Discovery of a long and winding road…improving communication
- Routine domestic abuse (DA) screening in people living with HIV (PLWH) runner up
- Waiting time reduction from referral to diagnostic assessment of ADHD
- Shannon Ward QI project for violence reduction
- Improving community access to keep patients safe and avoid deterioration and hospitalisation
- QI Project to reduce violence on a children’s inpatient unit
- We waste 30 days a year in office inbox! Why Not Using SystemOne task in clinical communication
- Sharing decisions by sharing care plans on the K&C older people CMHT
- Improving physical health monitoring for inpatients on an adult psychiatric ward
- WICU: Reducing Falls on the unit (1st poster)
- WICU: Reducing Falls on the unit (2nd poster)
- WICU: The impact of introducing a daily patient complexity tool to ensure safe staffing on the unit
- Improving the efficiency of the pharmacy medicines ward stock top-up process
- Nile Ward PICU violence reduction QI project
- Improving out of hours handover at St Charles Hospital
- Therapist’s satisfaction with remote working compared to face to face consultations in psychotherapy
- Reduction in the rate of falls within the mental health inpatient ward in Milton Keynes
- How to improve staff wellbeing in an NHS CAMHS service
- Improving efficiency of referral to treatment (RTT) for Harrow CAMHS winner
- Improving compliance with the controlled drug audit standards in the Jameson Division
- Improving sexual safety in mental health inpatient wards
- Falls reduction QI programme. Learning points from delivering a trust-wide QI programme
- Review of repeat prescriptions and wastage of medicines in KCW Early Intervention Service
- Vet the venous thromboembolism (VTE)
- The Virtual Recovery Day Programme: Online group psychotherapy for addiction during the Covid-19 pandemic
Telemedicine in offender care - our experience of embracing virtual technology
Improving patient safety by managing patient safety alerts on Datix
Developing an online service to improve access to oral contraception safely runner up
The impact of introducing a “SuperNova 0-19 Team” to minimise disruption due to redeployment
Implementing a virtual genital dermatology clinic during the coronavirus pandemic
Use of technology by the Hillingdon community diabetes team to promote safety during Covid
The morning call: replacing weekly MDT with a daily call – and more runner up
The use of video conferencing (Zoom program) in the crisis team setting
Brent DBT: the delivery of virtual DBT groups and YouTube videos during a pandemic
Development of a medicines dashboard on SystmOne for mental health services winner
Using accuRx to provide remote consultation and improve medication safety, efficacy and adherence
- Pharmacy response to Gosport Independent Panel report
- Nile Ward PICU violence reduction QI project
- Benzodiazepine prescribing on discharge
- Vet the venous thromboembolism (VTE)
- Safe prescribing: a difficult case of bipolar disorder and lithium in haemodialysis
- Safe Prescribing: Managing psychosis, alcohol withdrawal and refeeding syndrome on an acute psychiatric ward
- Development of a medicines dashboard on SystmOne for mental health services
- Pharmacy community transformation project in Westminster runner up
- Review of multi-compartment medicine compliance aids (MCAs) for clozapine patients
- Harm minimisation and overdose prevention for service users on Opiate Substitute Treatment (OST) during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown
- Clozapine safety: joint working across mental health, physical health and primary care
- Medication is a factor in unplanned readmissions runner up
- Developing medicines training and competencies to support safe use of medicines for redeployed staff and HCAs on inpatient wards during Covid 19 pandemic
- Using accuRx to provide remote consultation and improve medication safety, efficacy and adherence
- Learning from a lithium incident in mental health rehabilitation services
- Improvement of medicines management at HMP Woodhill winner
- Remote training of service users to improve take home Naloxone uptake
- Reducing e-Coli bacteraemia's - it's a team effort
- Developing our compassionate leaders through innovative virtual learning
- IPC in a box
- Exploring staff wellbeing and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on therapists working within an IAPT team
The impact of introducing a “SuperNova 0-19 Team” to minimise disruption due to redeployment
Development of a behaviour management pathway to support staff working with risk
Secure Stairs at HMYOI Cookham Wood: creating psychological safety during lockdown runner up
Ensuring Harrow schools are a safe environment for children and young people with asthma
Balint Group runner up
Whistle while you work: improving the training experience for CNWL psychiatry trainees