Feedback from trainees is central to good governance and quality assurance strategy of our medical education.

We are keen to listen and engage with medical trainees and their concerns, and we are happy to be questioned and challenged. At the same time we look to trainees as active partners in finding and offering solutions to the problems many of which trainees will have identified themselves.

Trainees are invited to provide feedback through a number of mechanisms, such as directly to their Educational Supervisor or Local Tutor and through mid-point questionnaire feedback during placements. Information gathered in this way is treated confidentially and used anonymously to improve the quality of training.

Beyond feedback, CNWL Medical Education also seeks an active dialogue with its trainee body, through a system of trainee representation throughout the governance structures from Local Faculty Meetings right through to the Lead Provider Management Meeting.

There is a learner-led Trainee Forum that meets quarterly and holds the Trust, its officers and Medical Education Leads to account, thereby encouraging and empowering trainees to question and scrutinise organisational systems and practices.

The Francis Report pronounced that medical trainees were the ‘eyes and ears’ of the NHS who should be ‘heard and heeded’. We are listening whenever and wherever trainees raise concerns about the quality and/or safety of services. Our Whistleblowing Policy supports all staff who may wish to raise concerns and speak out. There is also a specific Medical Education Anti-Bullying Charter, which all new trainees are signatories along with their trainer and CNWL’s Chief Executive. The Charter sets out the safeguards, entitlements and expectations for all parties.