Our Recovery & Wellbeing Colleges are open to you if you are:

  • Using CNWL services
  • Registered with a GP within CNWL catchment areas (includes Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea, Brent, Harrow, Hillingdon and Milton Keynes)
  • A carer, family member, friend or supporter of either of the above

A member of CNWL staff or a volunteer with CNWL

Please note: 

  • You must have a confirmed booking in order to attend a course or workshop 
  • You can request places on up to five courses or workshops each term 
  • You can attend the same course or workshop twice

How to enrol:

If you would like to attend our courses and workshops you can self-refer or be supported to enrol by someone else involved in your care.  

You can enrol with us by filling in and submitting an online enrolment form through this link.

The Admissions Office will authorise your enrolment within two working days. You will receive a welcome e-mail with your student ID number. 

How to book places on courses and workshops at CNWL Recovery & Wellbeing College in London

Once you are enrolled with CNWL Recovery & Wellbeing College in London you can request places on any upcoming courses and workshops by:   

  • Clicking the "Book" link for the course or workshop in the timetable, and
  • Entering your name, student ID number and e-mail address on the request form the link will take you to, or
  • Emailing the College at cnwl.recoverycollege@nhs.net or telephoning 020 3214 5686

You will then hear back from us within two working days.

You can download the timetable from the CNWL Recovery & Wellbeing College website.

How to book places on courses and workshops at Milton Keynes Recovery College and Community Inclusion Service

Once you are enrolled with Milton Keynes Recovery College and Community Inclusion Service you can request places on any upcoming courses and workshops by

  • Clicking the "Book" link for the course or workshop in the timetable, and 
  • Entering your name, student ID number and e-mail address on the request form the link will take you to, or
  • Emailing the College at cnwl.mkrecoverycollege@nhs.net or telephoning 01908 725351

You will then hear back from us within two working days. 

You can download the timetable from the Milton Keynes Recovery College and Community Inclusion Service website.

If you are enrolled with Milton Keynes Recovery College and Community Inclusion Service, and would like to attend upcoming online courses and workshops listed in the timetable for CNWL Recovery & Wellbeing College in London, please email cnwl.recoverycollege@nhs.net or telephone 020 3214 5686.