We have compiled a list of PhD-level research theses completed (or currently being carried out) in the field of arts psychotherapies, primarily from the UK but also from other countries.
The section aims to become a reference for current researchers in arts psychotherapies or people thinking about engaging in future research, and anybody interested in research in arts psychotherapies in general.
The list of PhDs is divided into five sections based on the arts medium being investigated: art, music, drama, and dance and movement. The last section comprises a list of the PhDs on more than one arts medium:
- PhDs in art therapy
- PhDs in dance movement psychotherapy
- PhDs in dramatherapy
- PhDs in music therapy
- PhDs in more than one medium of arts therapies
The list of PhDs is non-exhaustive and subject to regular updates and amendments.
Each entry in the list includes details of title, author, year, and awarding institution. Additional fields (not available for all theses) include supervisor(s), keywords and a link to the thesis.
Contribute to the PhD database
We welcome additions or updates to the PhD database. If you are aware of a PhD-level research work not listed here and would like to see it added to the list, email icapt.cnwl@nhs.net, including fields such as title, year, author and institution.