The code of conduct aims to make sure that everyone who attends the college has a positive, enriching experience and will want to return. We have tried to keep these expectations as brief as possible.

We ask that everyone attending the college:

  • Behaves in a responsible manner that fosters mutual respect and understanding between all members of the college.
  • Respects the rights, life choices, beliefs and opinion of others and promotes freedom of speech.
  • Does not behave in any way that may be considered threatening or disruptive or that is likely to lead to physical or emotional harm to any students or staff.
  • Refrains from the use of alcohol or unprescribed medication.
  • Does not behave in a way that prevents or disrupts learning or other activities.
  • Does not use violent, disorderly or offensive behaviour or language.
  • We all have a responsibility to make sure that this code is respected and adhered to. Please approach a member of the college staff if you have any concerns.

If we feel that you have breached this code of conduct, we will discuss this with you and try and find a way forward.

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